June 07, 2011

Kids at Camp, Day 2

The kids were so excited to get back to camp this morning, despite being very tired and needing to be dragged out of bed.  It was a full morning for me, too!  After dropping off the crew, Kenna, Lucan, and I went to the farm to pick up our milk and Julia's--she and I take turns doing the milk run each week, but I'm taking it for all of June and July so she can do it all of August and September when I'm even greater with child and then with newborn. :-)

I put our milk away at the house before going to Julia's.  She had offered to keep Lucan and Kenna for a few hours when I brought her milk over, so I took advantage of that, since I ended up running to base to take care of some issues, including trying to resolve the lovely CO DMV situation.  I made 7 stops total:  the pharmacy for Arden's prescription, the BX for notebooks for our Bible Bee materials, the commissary, the library, the post office, the gas station, and the Pass & Registration office to get the MP to sign off that our VIN really is our VIN.

Amazingly, I was HOME by 11 a.m.!  The whole run had taken about an hour and a half.  Not bad.  Of course, it wasn't a typical commissary trip by any means, as the kids and I had just been to get a load last Thursday.  But anyway, it was nice to get home and get settled, have lunch by myself (leftover meal from The Cheesecake Factory, plus the cheesecake slice I didn't even taste last night!), AND have an hour-long, uninterrupted Skype session with Ted.  Woohoo!  I did a tiny bit of kitchen work as well before going to get Kenna and Lucan to bring them home for Lucan's nap.  Then Kenna finished watching a movie she had started at the L's house while I took a nap.

After nap time, Kenna and I looked through the new digital family albums, which arrived today, one week after I ordered them!  WOW!  Super impressed by the speedy delivery, and the quality is amazing.  I got more kitchen work done--worked with some produce from our Happy Box, chopping, cutting, and drying carrots, celery, and cilantro respectively. 

The kids were excited to share their experiences at dinner--it was quite lively around the table!  They were on the high ropes course and apparently had no fear at all. :-)  They also enjoyed a hike, game time, and craft time.  (They made prayer journals.)  Yesterday's Bible study was about us being like clay, and today the comparison was sheep.  They are having a great time.  I did think it was amusing (but tried very hard not to show it) that Arden was under the impression that camp would be a year-long adventure.  He was asking what days they go to camp, and when I said tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, he said, "Oh, so two days off for the weekend, and then 5 days of camp, then 2 days off..."  I may have disappointed him terribly by informing him that he would be there 5 days, period!

After dinner we cleaned up, did baths/showers (poor Lucan has a TERRIBLY sore bottom from two very yucky poops--I pray it's better by morning), and then watched the Welcome DVD from our Bible Bee box!  We put together our study binders, and we're all pretty excited about getting started, although I think Charis is rather overwhelmed with the sheer number of verses she has in her stack, now that she is participating as a Junior instead of a Primary student.  I think the birth date requirement is a little odd--because she will be 11 at the time of the National Competition, she was placed in the Junior category (ages 11-14), even though she'll be competing locally while still age 10.  Goodness, her birthday is less than 4 weeks before Nationals!  It's just a pretty big leap in the number of memory verses.  But...I'm encouraging her that the experience is the most important thing, plus she can always switch and do the Timothy track instead of the National track (which honestly, I think would be better, but it's her decision).

And I guess that sums up our day.  Two days in a row for me of getting work done without anyone in the house!  Time to get back into Mom mode:  tomorrow is WATER PARK DAY!!

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