May 14, 2009

Someday I'll Look Back on All of This and Laugh...

Kenna's new trick: Opening the refrigerator by herself. Heaven help us all. Just now I found her with an enormous puddle of milk in front of the fridge, as she had attempted to pour a cup for herself. The cup, needless to say, was quite overflowing. She had finished off the skim milk, and the 2% jug was sitting on the floor nearby. Furthermore, she had taken off the lid to the sour cream containter, which was sitting forlornly in the middle of the mess like a great white island amidst a milky sea.

This incident follows a "Kenna Day," by which I mean a day (yesterday) during which I follow her around and clean up messes. Amongst yesterday's activities:

* We caught her clinging to the edge of the counter, pouring salt into the sour cream as we were setting the table for dinner. (She must have a thing for sour cream these days...)

* She called me in distress when she had an extraordinarily full and leaky diaper...dripping poop all over herself and the floor.

* During her bath (after the aforementioned messy poop), she grabbed the bar of soap and "shampooed" her hair with it.

* She drew with chalk on the armoire.

* She drew with marker on the dress-up box.

* She flung the remaining drips of her tomato soup (which she drinks from a sippy cup without the stopper in it) on the kitchen floor (after retrieving her nearly empty cup from the sink), then got the instant oatmeal can out of the pantry and dumped that on top of the wet soup. (Who left the pantry door open, anyway?!)

I've never before had a child who began opening the refrigerator door so early. Nor have I had to spend so much time cleaning up a toddler's messes!! Let's hope Lucan is not so curious!! (Though I do expect GREAT things from Kenna in the future, with her God-given drive to learn and do for herself, ha!)


Unknown said...

Welcome to my world! I have two, possibly three of these people living in my house. And Wal-Mart has great fridge locks...if you can keep from breaking them yourself when you forget they are on the fridge...

Bob and Claire said...

That is too funny! (All the stories!) I can't believe you're not all gray, LOL. None of mine have been quite so . . . creative . . . as Kenna, although we have had issues with fridge opening and getting up on the table and making mischief. It's always something new!

Amy Kilpatrick said...

Oh, Beverly, I guess all I can say is that someday you will look back on all of this and laugh cuz one of Kenna's kids will be giving her a run for her money. WOW! That girl never stops...