May 29, 2009

House Update

Today Ted talked to the wife of the team who gave us the paper last week, and she said no one is quite sure what to do with us!! We don't need to be evicted since we did nothing wrong, and we're obviously planning to move soon. Normally they would have people fill out a rental application again if they want to continue living at the property, but that takes 6-8 weeks to process...and we'll obviously be gone by then anyway!

She also said that she is applying for us to be able to get a Cash-for-Keys sum of $2800 to move out by July 10 (our current move-out date), and while she's sure they will return that with an "are-you-nuts" reply, she said they may come back with a lower amount. My goodness, getting ANY money to move out when we were planning to anyway would just be a gift from God!!

Not to mention that at the moment, it seems we are living here rent-free!! If, by some crazy combination of circumstances, we are allowed to stay here for a month and a half without paying rent, PLUS receive some extra cash from the Cash for Keys program...well, all I can say is, to God be the glory!! We've rather depleted our savings after paying cash for our Suburban and all the taxes, etc., that went along with that, LOL. So what a blessing it would be if all this ends up happening!


Debi Joy said...

I hope it all works out well

Bob and Claire said...

LOL, it's a good thing you are blogging about all this so you can look back and read it in a year or so to remember exactly how everything worked out! Pretty crazy! I'll be very eager to see what does end up happening!