May 13, 2009

Maybe We Should Work More on That...

Part of Charis's language arts assignment from last week was:

Write a [short] sentence about school and then a longer one.

Charis's answer...note the italics:

"We homeschool. We have to do copywork, handwriting, fhonics, math, and Sonlight reading."


Ski said...

Ah, the joys of teaching. :) She followed the directions.

Kevin and Ashley said...

well, you can definitely say you've taught her phonics... now spelling on the other hand! LOL! she's such a doll. what a blessing!

Luke Holzmann said...

[laffing] O mi, fhonics is a grate subjekt!

Yeah, phonics can cause problems if no combined with spelling memorization [smile]. Keep it up! You're doing great... even if there are little issues now and again.
