January 24, 2008

The Best Laid Plans...

It's 2:30 p.m. and I am EXHAUSTED! This day did not turn out at all like I was planning--PE in the morning, with a grocery shopping trip after we dropped off the big kids so I could have my afternoon free to prep for my b-day card class. Instead, Charis woke up with what I was pretty sure was pinkeye (turns out it is). Poor thing looked so pathetic. Her eye had been completely crusted over, and it was so puffy she could hardly open it. I spent a good amount of time on the phone trying to get through to the pediatric appointment desk. Finally someone picked up the phone, and we were able to get an 11 a.m. appointment on base. Since Kenna desperately was needing a nap, I ended up telling Tobin that he would not be able to go to PE. I had thought about letting him go with a friend, but I felt I didn't know any of the other moms well enough to call up and impose, especially since I didn't know how long we'd be on base and I wouldn't be able to say when I could pick Tobin up.

So, to make it up to the kids, I played games with them here at home while Kenna napped, then we all left the house a little before 10:00 to make the 40-minute drive and have time to park and get inside 15 minutes before appointment time. Thankfully Kenna did great the whole time we were gone. We had the appointment, getting in and out in record time, got the eye drops from the pharmacy, then went to the ATM and Burger King on base to pick up lunch. Then to the commissary to get my groceries, filled up with gas, came home, put Kenna to bed, put eye drops in Charis's eyes, unloaded the van, put away the groceries, discovered people in my back yard taking pictures...!!! Turns out they are from the HOA, and thankfully we aren't in trouble. :-) They just need to catalogue the plant life in our yard since we border the outside part of the community. In case of water damage, etc., and in the event the HOA would need to replace the walls, they need to know what kinds of trees and bushes they would need to replace in the yard.

Anyway. Kenna is sacked out, and the kids are playing quietly, so it's time for me to do some card-stock cutting! I'm excited about my Birthday Bonanza card class this Saturday morning. If all ladies come who signed up, I'll have 8 people here stamping away!


Anonymous said...

Big hugs Beverly. I hope you have a relaxing afternoon. While I was reading your post, the first thing that came to mind was "isn't it great to homeschool and have the flexability to just roll with changes that come along?" I find that I'm really enjoying that part also. We usually do school in the morning, but we had an early playgroup and had to take Dave to get some oral surgery done - presto, school got done after nap instead!

Amy Kilpatrick said...

I know exactly what you are going through, girl! EJ woke up with pink eye on Sunday, Evan on Monday, Alison on Wednesday and Jay today. Only one more...me! Keep those hands clean! Good luck!

Bob and Claire said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the pink-eye . . . especially since that probably means the rest of the kids will get it too. I remember when all 4 boys got it our last Christmas in Ohio. They all looked like such sad raccoons!

We went to the commissary yesterday too! No pink-eye though, LOL. Whew!