September 09, 2008

It's Already Started...

Pregnancy brain, that is. My fellow moms will understand what I mean by that. I am an organized person. I have a planner, I use it, I live by it. Yet somehow I completely forgot to take Kenna to her 18-month check-up yesterday afternoon. I even confirmed the appointment when the automated system called me last Thursday evening. (Although really, why call us to confirm a Monday appointment on a Thursday?! Wouldn't it be better to do it the night before??) And still I managed to have a completely busy, productive afternoon that did not include a trip to the base hospital.



Unknown said...

ARE YOU PREGNANT ... AGAIN?!? Just noticed your new blogger layout which includes one of those pregnancy timelines!?! Hmmm ...

Beverly said...

Um, yeah...didn't you see the previous post?!