July 02, 2009

Commission Report

I had wanted to write an account of our Commission experience this year, but since our dear friend Rose sent the following email update, I think due to a lack of time I will simply copy and paste!


Dear Friends,

I wanted to share how Commission 2009 went. I know many of you were praying for it weeks before it happened and during the camp itself. Again, I am so humbled to be able to experience what God does in our midst. Some of you I have talked to briefly and said for each one that comes there is "His story" of what it took to get them here and then what He does in their lives during the week. The attachment will be in our church bulletin and it is truly just a glimpse of what God did.

All of the items that I had asked prayer for were answered only in ways that God does things. Just for an example - We were short staff this year but Kate contacted us from Colorado, she had come as a counselor last year and wrote in May asking if we needed any help. She staffed Back Yard Bible Club alone (but with a great a counselor) and did an awesome job with an all girls group. Cary also served our Creative group as a first time staffer and started out by herself, but as God would work it out Sarah was able to join us Tuesday and spend the rest of the week staffing (new job called her and apologized that they would not need her after all because a shipment had not come in). We also watched as God provided in other ways all week. The school lunch program started a new program in Mountain Home that provided free lunch and breakfast for those 18 and under which was a huge blessing, then they were able to also allow the adults since they were "counselors."

We switched from the Sand Dunes where we had camped for the past 8 years and the KOA gave us great rates. Since we were at the KOA we planned a swimming party to end the week and Chas baptized 3 of our youth. Again we watched over and over how God put this camp together.

There were at least 20 first timers and it was so exciting to watch them as they discovered this was not a typical camp and the joy of serving others in the name of Christ. Some of these were were ones that had been involved in BYBC and the sports clinics in years past and were now finally old enough to come as campers.

Words cannot express the fullness and joy that is in my heart for God and how He poured out His richest blessing on this Camp and His children.

If anyone would like to have more information, give me or anyone else involved with Commission and we can talk for hours on God's Faithfulness, sufficiency, provision, love, forgiveness, awesomeness.........

Again, thank you all who were involved -

Beverly the Bible study was perfect for the group of students we had this year, I'm always in awe how God speaks through your writing each year. Praying for your family as you move to Ohio.

Chas - as always it was great to have my son in Idaho and watch your obedience to Our Father-- and to have the added blessing of Melinda, Hunter and Makenna for a few days.

Please start praying now for what God would want to do with camp next year and who He wants involved- is it You?

May God bless each one of you as you serve Him!

Because He first loved us.


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