A day at the park...this was when Kenna was about 3 months old.
A star is born!
Playing with big brother Tobin. (3 mos.)
Playing with Daddy. This was taken just a few days before we left for our Idaho trip, so about 3 weeks ago.
For those who have not yet met Kenna in person, you have to know one of her unique features is her toes. First of all, they are shaped and sized like all other J children's toes--long and skinny. But, unlike her siblings, her first two toes point in nearly opposite directions! It's hilarious! You can fit your finger in between those toes, and they almost never entirely relax...even when she's sleeping they're still spaced out. It's good for many a giggle in our family.
Kenna wants so badly to sit up on her own! She's only 4 months old now, but every chance she gets she sits with our help and looks around, fussing and doing baby crunches when we lay her back down. It's so funny to watch her trying to sit up on her own...it truly looks like she is doing stomach crunches! Her neck is so strong, and I can't believe how well she is pulling up. It won't be long...
Kenna was enjoying her tummy time this morning!
What a cutie! You know, she actually looks quite a bit like our kids, with the longer face and big eyes (and no hair, LOL)! I had to laugh at the toes though!
I do think she would really enjoy the Bumbo seat. We put it up on the table (it doesn't take up nearly as much room as like a bouncy seat), and Grace really interacts with everyone!
She's adorable! I love the toe thing...it's so cute when they have their own funny little trademarks. Matthew's is his flat belly button, a product of his surgery. It's funny...I should post a pic of it.
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